In Action
What does this program look like?
Serving Love in Action
We started with implementing these programs with a community that Pete was already connected to in the Boise, Idaho area. Last summer, Serving Love introduced Tennis to over 200 kids in the Boise area alone. Now, with greater ambitions in 2023, Pete estimates larger turnouts this year with plans to introduce both Tennis and Pickleball to kids from the boys and girls clubs of Boise.
We are excited to expand this summer. The week of June 4th, we’ll be working with the NB3 foundation in Albuquerque facilitating 8 weeks of summer camp. The week of June 13th we’ll be in Navajo Nation giving them a taste of tennis and working to build a sustainable program in the fall.

Initial Phase
In 2022, Serving Love partnered with the Boise area Parks and Rec, the school district and the USTA of Idaho to get the ball rolling. Boise has roughly 140 courts, but the amount of people that play was very low. Last year, Serving Love put in massive efforts to introduce tennis to the community.
With the help of Parks and Rec, we’ve been able to insert both tennis and pickleball into summer camps, play camps, and community center programs.
The goal would be to create competitions for both tennis and pickleball once they’re introduced into all the local areas with the big picture being a sustainable program that is inclusive and moves people…literally and figuratively.
Total Number of Kids
Sessions With Kids
Intro to tennis and pickleball
We start with a “taste of tennis and a hint of pickleball”, letting kids try tennis and pickleball in an hour window to create interest. This eventually builds to full summer camps that are scheduled for 8 weeks. The eager kids will show up in the morning and we’ll send them out the doors sweaty and smiling 3 hours later. Intros to tennis and pickleball include:
Games to introduce them to agility.
Drills teaching the basic techniques of tennis and pickleball.
Character coaching including teamwork.